our projects

We help provide heart-language Audio Bibles to where most needed.
Through our local partner contacts we are able connect with many groups, even in remote locations.

Additional to our “Village Outreaches” in Cambodia, following are some of our exciting Projects over the last year or so.
What a joy to realize the huge impact we are making together to so many lives.

Poor farmers, illiterate people, families, churches, and ABC’s (Audio Bible Cell groups) – these are all being blessed by hearing the Word of God in their own languages, and in a systematic way using our ‘Bible Reading Plans”.
Included also are audio Gospel Tracts and “God’s Plan of Salvation” audio, which we encourage them to use for evangelism outreaches.

2019 – Siem Reap areas, Cambodia. Conducted many Village outreaches where everyone received a Gospel Tract and a Gideons NT Bible. Thousand of villagers were saved. We also provided several Khmer solar-power Audio Bible Players.

Testimony 1: A local church medical-aid clinic with many daily visitors have the        Khmer audio Bible playing continually. People are hearing the Gospel.

Testimony 2: A local pastor gave a Khmer audio Bible Player to an alcoholic unbeliever. The man listened intently and after 2 weeks believed in Jesus. 

2019 – Siem Reap areas, Cambodia. Conducted many Village Outreaches where everyone received a Khmer Gospel Tract and a Khmer Gideons NT Bible. Thousand of villagers were saved. We also provided several Khmer solar-power Audio Bible Players.

2019-2020 – Hanoi areas, north Vietnam. Together with our local contacts/leaders/pastors we were able to get about 300 solar-power audio Bible Players to Hmong tribes living in very remote mountain areas. They were all overjoyed.

Mid 2020 we again were able to provide 500 Hmong audio Bible Players to more Hmong tribes living in remote mountain areas near Laos and China borders. Some of these areas are only accessible via ‘goat tracks’ up the mountains. What a joy for these poor people to realize that we care enough about them to get God’s valuable Word to them.

Mid 2020 we did another Audio Bible Project with some other leaders and sent 500 Hmong Audio Bible Players to another part of remote north Vietnam, close to China borders. Simultaneously we were able to provide about 2.3 tonnes of 10kgs bags of rice to Hmong people in central Vietnam mountains who are doing it very tough.

In late 2021 we did the same with another leader.

Currently we are collaborating with 3 local Vietnamese Jarai leaders who are recording a complete Jarai Audio Bible into their own tribal language. We provided some basic equipment to do this. Once completed, hopefully by end of 2021, we will then start duplicating Jarai Audio Bibles onto memory cards to use in the Audio Bible Players. We will then provide, for the first time ever, 500 Jarai Audio Bibles and Listening Plans.

We have just received requests to provide Bahnar, Dao and black Thai Audio Bibles for these Vietnam tribes. But we may have to record these first, as none exist. It takes about 1 year to record a whole Bible, if they do about 5 Bible chapters per day. There are some 56 ethnic Tribes in Vietnam. God is doing marvelous things among the Tribes in Vietnam.

Due to Covid we have had to cancel flights and not been able to travel overseas, as much as we want to GO. But, God has marvelously opened wide the doors for us to work together with local leaders and actually increase what we are led to do.

January 2021. We are getting ready to arrange another much needed 500 Hmong Audio Bibles to be distributed in remote north Vietnam mountains this month.

In all of this we are amazed at how the Lord is not only opening more doors, but also providing for us to do all of these initiatives, and making such a difference to thousands and thousands of lives.

We are now starting to focus also on actually promoting “Planting ABC’s” facilitated by dedicated, itinerant “ABC Ministers”. This concept works hand-in-hand with local churches, etc.

As this is a new website we have not organized photos and videos. But we will soon display some exciting, and amazing, visual feedback to bless and inspire you. So please check back frequently. In sharing all of this, we are always needing active Prayer Partners. We are a Team – His Team. This is “God’s Thing” and His #1 Task. Thank you. Blessings.